Everything Else
Partnerships & Careers
Want to collaborate with us?
That&pos;s great news - we&pos;d love to chat! Just shoot us an email at customers@Dailyplus.bio and we&pos;ll ensure it&pos;s passed on to our Marketing team.
Do you have an Affiliates Program?
We do! Join the program and start earning money by promoting a premium vitamin brand! You can sign up to our program here.
Are you hiring?
Our team is growing and is always on the lookout for great talent! You can find open opportunities on our LinkedIn page here. Don&pos;t see a position that fits you right now? Keep checking in, and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn for updates on openings.
Data Privacy
What is your data privacy policy?
Transparency is really important to us. You can read our Privacy Policy here.
How do I remove my payment details?
If you have paused your subscription and would like to remove your payment information, no worries! Simply email us at customers@Dailyplus.bio, and we&pos;ll be happy to remove your card from our payments platform.